Session - Mad Steex Productions


Mad Steex is a Sound Engineer/Producer from Italy that mainly works with Rock/Metal production using both analog and digital processing. He has a youtube channel where he posts demo test videos about music gear such as guitar, pedals, amps etc, some mixing and mastering tutorials.

We really enjoyed his video and review, so we decided to get in touch with him and asked if he would be interested in creating some mixpulses together, this collaboration resulted in 6 David Laboga & 3 Orange mixpulses that you can listen to here;

The mixes are built from the following cabinets and microphones

David Laboga K100SE Electronics Ribbon R1
David Laboga V30Lauten Audio LA220
David Laboga V30SE Electronics Ribbon R1
David Laboga V30Lauten Audio LA120
Orange 412 G12T75AKG414
Orange 412 G12T75Royer R121
Orange 412 V30Royer R121

To give the mixes a little room to work in, we created a special room mix from the following impulses;

Behringer Ultrastack BG412FBehringer B5Left
Behringer Ultrastack BG412FBehringer B5Right
Custom built 4x12sE Electronics Gemini 5Center
Ashdown MAG 410 T DeepAudix D6Floor

You find and download the impulse responses here

And do not forget to check out Mad Steex on his other channels

Featured Standalone impulses

Mad Steex production ft. mixpulse - David Laboga mix 1

From our collaboration with Mad Steex production, a mix of three impulse responses; Impulse 1; Cabinet: David Laboga K100 Microphone: SE Electronics Ribbon R1 Impulse 2; Cabinet: David Laboga V30 Microphone: Lauten Audio LA120 Impulse 3 (Room mix); LEFT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 RIGHT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 Room: Cabinet; Custom built 4x12 Microphone; sE Electronics Gemini 5 Floor: Cabinet; Ashdown MAG 410 T Deep Microphone; Audix D6

Downloads: 2169

Mad Steex production ft. mixpulse - David Laboga mix 2

From our collaboration with Mad Steex production, a mix of three impulse responses; Impulse 1; Cabinet: David Laboga K100 Microphone: SE Electronics Ribbon R1 Impulse 2; Cabinet: David Laboga V30 Microphone: Lauten Audio LA220 Impulse 3 (Room mix); LEFT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 RIGHT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 Room: Cabinet; Custom built 4x12 Microphone; sE Electronics Gemini 5 Floor: Cabinet; Ashdown MAG 410 T Deep Microphone; Audix D6

Downloads: 1631

Mad Steex production ft. mixpulse - David Laboga mix 3

From our collaboration with Mad Steex production, a mix of three impulse responses;Impulse 1; Cabinet: David Laboga K100 Microphone: SE Electronics Ribbon R1 Impulse 2; Cabinet: David Laboga V30 Microphone: SE Electronics Ribbon R1 Impulse 3 (Room mix); LEFT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 RIGHT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 Room: Cabinet; Custom built 4x12 Microphone; sE Electronics Gemini 5 Floor: Cabinet; Ashdown MAG 410 T Deep Microphone; Audix D6

Downloads: 1661

Mad Steex production ft. mixpulse - David Laboga mix 4

From our collaboration with Mad Steex production, a mix of three impulse responses; Impulse 1; Cabinet: David Laboga V30 Microphone: Lauten Audio LA120 Impulse 2; Cabinet: David Laboga V30 Microphone: Lauten Audio LA220 Impulse 3 (Room mix); LEFT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 RIGHT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 Room: Cabinet; Custom built 4x12 Microphone; sE Electronics Gemini 5 Floor: Cabinet; Ashdown MAG 410 T Deep Microphone; Audix D6

Downloads: 1631

Mad Steex production ft. mixpulse - David Laboga mix 5

From our collaboration with Mad Steex production, a mix of three impulse responses; Impulse 1; Cabinet: David Laboga V30 Microphone: Lauten Audio LA120 Impulse 2; Cabinet: David Laboga V30 Microphone: SE Electronics Ribbon R1 Impulse 3 (Room mix); LEFT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 RIGHT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 Room: Cabinet; Custom built 4x12 Microphone; sE Electronics Gemini 5 Floor: Cabinet; Ashdown MAG 410 T Deep Microphone; Audix D6

Downloads: 1594

Mad Steex production ft. mixpulse - David Laboga mix 6

From our collaboration with Mad Steex production, a mix of three impulse responses; Impulse 1; Cabinet: David Laboga V30 Microphone: Lauten Audio LA220 Impulse 2; Cabinet: David Laboga V30 Microphone: SE Electronics Ribbon R1 Impulse 3 (Room mix); LEFT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 RIGHT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 Room: Cabinet; Custom built 4x12 Microphone; sE Electronics Gemini 5 Floor: Cabinet; Ashdown MAG 410 T Deep Microphone; Audix D6

Downloads: 1565

Mad Steex production ft. mixpulse - Orange mix 1

From our collaboration with Mad Steexproduction, a mix of three impulse responses; Impulse 1; Cabinet: Orange 412 G12T75 Microphone: AKG414 Impulse 2; Cabinet: Orange 412 G12T75 Microphone: Royer R121 Impulse 3 (Room mix); LEFT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 RIGHT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 Room: Cabinet; Custom built 4x12 Microphone; sE Electronics Gemini 5 Floor: Cabinet; Ashdown MAG 410 T Deep Microphone; Audix D6

Downloads: 1947

Mad Steex production ft. mixpulse - Orange mix 2

From our collaboration with Mad Steex production, a mix of three impulse responses; Impulse 1; Cabinet: Orange 412 V30 Microphone: Royer R121 Impulse 2; Cabinet: Orange 412 G12T75 Microphone: AKG414 Impulse 3 (Room mix); LEFT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 RIGHT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 Room: Cabinet; Custom built 4x12 Microphone; sE Electronics Gemini 5 Floor: Cabinet; Ashdown MAG 410 T Deep Microphone; Audix D6

Downloads: 1855

Mad Steex production ft. mixpulse - Orange mix 3

From our collaboration with Mad Steex production, a mix of three impulse responses; Impulse 1; Cabinet: Orange 412 G12T75 Microphone: Royer R121 Impulse 2; Cabinet: Orange 412 V30 Microphone: Royer R121 Impulse 3 (Room mix); LEFT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 RIGHT: Cabinet; Behringer Ultrastack BG412F Microphone; Behringer B5 Room: Cabinet; Custom built 4x12 Microphone; sE Electronics Gemini 5 Floor: Cabinet; Ashdown MAG 410 T Deep Microphone; Audix D6

Downloads: 2022